Leavers’ Portraits, Senior Portraits, High School Prom Photography, South Queensferry and Edinburgh

When we have children we tend to capture them incessantly as babies and toddlers, but then, somehow, we stop. Once the milk teeth start falling out, the portraits stop (other than the obligatory school photos and the selfies, of course).
I’m so glad that we are starting to see more and more requests for what the Americans call Senior Portraits (or Leavers’ Portraits as they are known here, photo sessions done when young people graduate from high school). When those well-photographed babies are suddenly all grown up, about to fly the nest, the senior portraits are there as a “book end”, to mark the end of their childhood, and the beginning of a big, new chapter. Isn’t that what photography does so well, mark beginnings of new chapters?

I tend to do Senior Portrait sessions on the eve of high school graduation parties, when hair and make-up has been done and the suit or dress been chosen. Sessions last either 20 minutes (Quick Session) or one hour (Full Session).
Senior portrait sessions can either be done in your house/ garden, or we can choose a location nearby.
Whether parents and siblings are allowed in on the act is completely up to you!

If you would like to find out more about EdinburghProm Photography in our Senior Photography packages, please drop us an email